Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Acela-Kassapa.– A naked ascetic. He visited the Buddha at Ujuññā in the Kaṇṇakatthala deer-park and asked him if it were true that he disparaged all penance and reviled ascetics. Their conversation is recorded in the Kassapa-Sīhanāda Sutta (D.i.161 ff). After the usual four months’ probation, he joined the Order and in due course became an Arahant (D.i.177; but according to DA.i.363 he was ordained forthwith).
In the Majjhimanikāya (M.iii.124 ff; also AA.i.171) we are told that he was an old friend of Bakula Thera, and that after a conversation with him obtained his ordination (under him).
See also Acela-Kassapa (3).

2. Acela-Kassapa.– An old family friend of Cittagapahati. See Acelakassapa Sutta. S.iv.300.

3. Acela-Kassapa.– The Kassapa mentioned in the Acelakassapa Sutta (S.ii.18 f; see also SA.ii.26 f), probably to be identified with Acela-Kassapa (1), though the stories of their conversions are different.