1. Ariya.– A country and people in South India. Palandīpa was one of its divisions. It once had a king named Vīradeva who led an expedition against Jayabāhu I of Sri Lanka (Cv.lxi.36 f).
It was also the name of a dynasty, the Aryan dynasty of the Pāndya (Paṇḍu) in South India. Cv.lxiii.15; see also Cv. trans. i.239, n.1.
2. Ariya.– A fisherman of a settlement near the north gate of Sāvatthi. The Buddha, seeing his potential (upanissaya) for Stream-
3. Ariya.– A Pacceka Buddha mentioned in the list of the Isigili Sutta. M.iii.70; also ApA.i.107.
1. Ariya Sutta.– The seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga), if cultivated, lead to the Noble qualities that conduce to salvation (ariyāniyyānikā). S.v.82.
2. Ariya Sutta.– The four foundations of mindfulness, if cultivated, lead to the utter destruction of suffering. S.v.166.
3. Ariya Sutta.– The four bases of success (iddhipāda), if cultivated, lead to the utter destruction of suffering. S.v.255.