A reservoir and a district in Sri Lanka. When the Buddha went to Sri Lanka he visited the village, and on the spot where he sat in meditation a cetiya was later erected (Mhv.i.78; Dpv.ii.60; Sp.i.89). It seems to have been the central post in the country lying between the Tamil kingdom and the province of Rohaṇa. Thus we find Duṭṭhagāmaṇī’s brother, Tissa, occupying it by the order of his father. Later, on the death of his father, he retired to Dīghavāpi with his mother and the elephant Kaṇḍula (Mhv.xxiv.2, 14 f, 48). When he made peace with his brother, he was again sent there to look after the district.
After the conquest of the Tamils, Tissa was again in charge of Dīghavāpi, for we find him being sent for from there at the time of Duṭṭhagāmaṇī’s death (Mhv.xxxii.2). Tissa (afterwards called Saddhā Tissa) founded the Dīghavāpi-
For a story connected with the cetiya see Dhajagga Paritta.