Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Ekasaññaka Thera

1. Ekasaññaka Thera.– An Arahant. In the past he gave a meal to a monk named Khanda, a disciple of Vessabhū Buddha. Forty world-cycles ago he was a king named Varuṇa (Ap.i.121). The Apadāna Commentary says he was given the name Ekasaññaka because in his last life he remembered his gift to Khanda.

2. Ekasaññaka Thera.– An Arahant. Thirty-one world-cycles ago he saw a rag-robe hanging in the forest, and gladdened by the sight worshipped it. Twenty-five world-cycles ago he was a king named Amitābha. Ap.i.210 f.