Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Gosāla Thera.– He came from a rich family of Magadha and made the acquaintance of Soṇa-Kuṭikaṇṇa. When he heard that the latter had left the world, he too joined the Order and dwelt on the uplands near his native village. One day his mother gave him a meal of rice porridge with honey and sugar. After the meal, he made a great effort and won Arahantship.
Ninety-one world-cycles ago he saw the rag robe of a Pacceka Buddha hanging from a tree trunk and offered flowers in homage (Thag.vs.23; ThagA.i.79 f).
He is probably identical with Paṃsukūlapūjaka of the Apadāna. Ap.ii.434; but see also Mahākāḷa Thera.

2. Gosāla.– See Makkhali Gosāla.