Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

1. Kātiyānī (Kaccānī).– A lay devotee, declared by the Buddha to be most eminent among women for unwavering loyalty (aveccappasāda) (A.i.26). She resolved to win this eminence in the time of Padumuttara Buddha. In this age she was born in the city of Kuraraghara and she had a devoted friend called Kālī. One day she went with Kālī to hear the thera Soṇa-Kuṭikaṇṇa teach his mother, and while she was there thieves entered her house. The servant girl, who was sent to fetch oil for lighting the lamps, brought news of the presence of the thieves, but Kātiyānī refused to leave until the thera’s discourse should be finished. The leader of the thieves, who had watched the incident, was so pleased with her that he gave orders that all the goods stolen from her house should be restored. At the end of the discourse Kātiyānī became a Stream-winner (sotāpanna). The next day the thieves came and asked her forgiveness. She took them to the elder, who ordained them, and there they all became Arahants. AA.i.245 f.

2. Kātiyānī.– See Kaccāni Jātaka.