Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Kuṭajapupphiya Thera

1. Kuṭajapupphiya Thera.– An Arahant. Ninety-two world-cycles ago he offered a kuṭaja flower to Phussa Buddha. Seventeen world-cycles ago he was king three times under the name of Pupphita. Ap.i.191.

2. Kuṭajapupphiya Thera.– Thirty-one world-cycles ago, while travelling through the air, he saw the Pacceka Buddha Sudassana at Vasala near Himavā, and offered him a kuṭaja flower (Ap.ii.451). He is probably identical either with Hārita (ThagA.i.88) or Candana Thera (ThagA.i.395 f).