1. Mahādhammarakkhita Thera.– An Arahant. He lived at Asokārāma. Once, Tissa, brother of Asoka, saw him seated at the foot of a tree meditating, fanned by a Nāga with a sāla branch. Tissa was later ordained by him. Mhv.v.161, 167; ThigA.i.505; but see Sp.i.561, according to which it was Yonaka Mahādhammarakkhita who ordained Tissa; also SA.iii.125.
After the Third Council he was sent as messenger of Buddhism to Mahārattha. There he taught the Mahānāradakassapa Jātaka, and eighty-
2. Mahādhammarakkhita.– An ancient Commentator, generally called Tipiṭaka Mahādhammarakkhita, who is quoted several times in the Commentaries. He was a contemporary of Dīghabhāṇaka-
3. Mahādhammarakkhita.– An elder of Tulādhāra-
4. Mahādhammarakkhita.– See Yonaka Mahādhammarakkhita.