Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Mala Sutta

1. Mala Sutta.– On the three stains: lust (rāgo), hatred (doso), and delusion (moho). They are comprehended by developing the Noble Eightfold Path. S.v.57.

2. Mala Sutta.– On eight stains:
- non-repetition (asajjhāya) in the case of a mantra (manta),
- late rising (anuṭṭhāna) is the stain of households (gharā),
- sluggishness (kosajjaṃ) is the stain of beauty (vaṇṇa),
- carelessness (pamādo) is a stain in a guard (rakkhato),
- misconduct (duccaritaṃ) is a stain in a woman (itthiyā),
- miserliness (maccheraṃ) is the stain of a giver (dadato),
- evil unwholesome states are stains in this world (asmiṃ loke) and the next (paramhi ca), but
- ignorance (avijjā), is the greatest stain of all.
A.iv.195; cp. Dhp.vs.241 f.