Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Migasālā Sutta

Ānanda visits Migasālā in her home and is questioned as to why both Purāṇa and Isidatta, the former of whom was a celibate (brahmacārī) and the latter not, should both have been born in Tusita, as Once-Returners. Ānanda offers no explanation, but consults the Buddha, who declares that Migasālā is but a foolish, frail, woman with none but a mother’s wit; how, then, could she understand the diversity in the person of man? (purisa-puggala-paropariya-ñāṇa). The Buddha then goes on to divide men into six classes according to their capabilities and attainments. It is not possible for anyone, save a Tathāgata, to measure persons. A.iii.347 ff; v. 137 ff.