Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Siddhattha Buddha
The sixteenth of the twenty-four Buddhas.
- He was born in the Viriya pleasance in the city of Vebhāra, his father being the khattiya Udena and his mother Suphassā.
- At the time of his birth all enterprises succeeded, hence his name.
- He lived as a householder for ten thousand years in three palaces — Kokā, Suppala and Kokanuda, (Paduma) — his wife being Sumanā (Somanassā) and his son Anupama.
- He left home in a golden palanquin, practised austerities for ten months, had milk-rice given to him by a brahmin maiden, Sunettā of Asadisa, and grass for his seat by a grain watcher (yavapālaka), Varuṇa.
- His Bodhi tree was a kanikāra, and his first discourse was taught at Gayā.
- The Bodhisatta was an ascetic named Maṅgala, of Surasena.
- Samphala and Sumitta were his chief disciples among monks, and Sīvalā and Sarāmā among nuns, while Revata was his attendant.
- Chief among his lay patrons were Suppiya and Samudda and Rammā and Surammā. His body was sixty cubits high.
- He lived for one hundred thousand years, and died in the Anomārāma in the city of Anoma.
- His thūpa was four leagues in height. Bu.xvii; BuA.185 ff; J.i.49.