Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Sumedha Buddha

The eleventh of the twenty-four Buddhas.
- He was born in Sudassana,
- his father being the warrior (khattiya) Sudatta and
- his mother Sudattā.
- He lived in the household for nine thousand years, in three palaces, Sucanda, Kañcana (Koñca) and Sirivaḍḍha,
- his wife being Sumanā and his son Sumitta (Punabbasumitta).
- He left home on an elephant,
- practised austerities for eight months,
- was given a meal of milk-rice by Nakulā, and
- grass for his seat by the Ājīvaka Sirivaḍḍha.
- He obtained Enlightenment under a mahānimba (mahānīpa) tree.
- His body was eighty-eight cubits in height.
- His chief disciples were Saraṇa and Sabbakāma among monks
- and Rāmā and Surāmā among women.
- Sāgara was his personal attendant.
- His chief lay patrons were Uruvela and Yasava among men,
- and Yasodharā and Sirimā among women.
- He taught his first discourse at Sudassana, to his younger brothers.
- The Bodhisatta was the ascetic, Uttara.
- Sumedha lived for ninety thousand years and died in Medhārāma.
- His relics were scattered. Bu.xii.??; BuA.163 f.