v.l. Ukkācelā, Ukkāvelā.– A village in the Vajjī country, on the banks of the Gaṅgā, on the road from Rājagaha to Vesāli and near the latter (UdA.322).
Once while Sāriputta was staying there, the wanderer (paribbājaka) Sāmaṇḍaka visited him and talked to him about nibbāna (S.iv.261‑2). Some time later, after the death of Sāriputta and Mahā-
The Cūḷagopālaka Sutta was also taught at Ukkacelā (M.i.225).
Buddhaghosa says (MA.i.447) that when the city was being built, on the day its site was marked out, fish came ashore at night from the river, and men, noticing them, made torches (ukkā) out of rags (celā), dipped them in oil, and by their light caught the fish. On account of this incident the city was called Ukkācelā.
Ukkacelā Sutta.– The incident mentioned above, of the Buddha praising his two chief disciples, after their death. S.v.163.