1. Vaḍḍhamāna Thera.– An Arahant. He belonged to a Licchavi rājā’s family in Vesāli and was a devoted follower of the Buddha, delighting in waiting upon him and in making gifts to the monks. Later, because of an offence he had committed, the Buddha passed on him the sentence of overturning the almsbowl (pattanikkujjanakamma). He was much grieved and begged the forgiveness of the Saṅgha, and, because of his agitation, he renounced the world and joined the Order. However, he was given up to sloth and torpor, until the Buddha admonished him in a verse.¹ He then put forth effort and became an Arahant.
He is probably to be identified with Vaḍḍha, though no mention is made of Vaḍḍha having entered the Order.
In the time of Tissa Buddha he had been a householder and had given the Buddha beautiful mango fruits. ThagA.i.106.
¹ This verse is found in the Thag.vs.40; elsewhere (Thag.vs.1162) this verse is ascribed to Mahā-
2. Vaḍḍhamāna.– The capital of Sri Lanka (Varadīpa) in the time of Koṇāgamana Buddha. Its king was Samiddha. Mhv.xv.92; Dpv.xv.48; xvii.6; Sp.i.86.
3. Vaḍḍhamāna.– A city (nagara) in Mahāgāma, over which Gāmaṇi-
A story is related (AA.ii.522) of a hunter of Vaḍḍhamāna who, in the name of his dead kinsman, gave alms to a wicked monk. Three times he did this, until the spirit of the hungry ghost (peta) cried out against it. He then gave alms to a good monk. The ghost benefited by his gift.
4. Vaḍḍhamāna.– The name of a Bodhi tree in Sri Lanka. Attached to it was a temple, restored by Aggabodhi IV. (Cv.xlviii.5) and again by Udaya V. (Cv.xlix.15).
5. Vaḍḍhamāna.– A palace to be occupied by the future Buddha Meteyya. Anāgat. vs.46.
6. Vaḍḍhamāna.– A district in Sri Lanka, given by King Saddhātissa to his minister, Saddhātissa (2). Ras.ii.10.