One of the disciples of Bāvarī who visited the Buddha at the request of their teacher. He was the first to question the Buddha, and the questions asked by him form the Ajita-
He was the son of a Brahmin of Sāvatthi, price-
According to the Aṅguttaranikāya Commentary ⁴ he was the nephew of Bāvarī, and the latter particularly asked him to come back to him with news of the interview with the Buddha.⁵
In a previous birth he offered a kapittha-
A verse attributed to Ajita-
The Ajita-
¹ Sn.197 f. ² SnA.587, but see ThagA, (infra where he is said to have become an Arahant later). ³ ThagA.i.73 f. ⁴ AA.i.184.
⁵ ThagA. loc cit. ⁶ Ap.ii.449. ⁷ Thag.v.20. ⁸ S.ii.47 f.