Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

One of the books, generally the fifth, of the Khuddakanikāya. It consists of five chapters (vagga) — Uraga, Cūḷa, Mahā, Aṭṭhaka, and Pārāyana — the first four consisting of fifty-four short lyrics, while the fifth contains sixteen suttas.¹ Of the thirty-eight poems in the first three cantos, six are found in other books of the canon, showing that they had probably existed separately, as popular poems, before being incorporated in the Suttanipāta. The fourth canto is referred to in the Saṃyuttanikāya, the Vinaya Piṭaka and the Udāna, as a separate work, and this canto was probably very closely associated with the last, because the Niddesa is obviously an old Commentary on them and takes no notice of the remaining cantos. (For a detailed account see Law, Pāḷi Literature, i.232 f )
The Dīghabhāṇakā included the Suttanipāta in the Abhidhamma Piṭaka (DA.i.15).
A Commentary exists on the Suttanipāta, written by Buddhaghosa, and called the Paramatthajotikā.
Suttanipāta translated by Viggo Fausböll in E-pub format, from Reading
1. Uraga Vaggo
- Uraga Sutta
- Dhaniya Sutta
- Khaggavisāṇa Sutta
- Kasibhāradvāja Sutta
- Cunda Sutta
- Parābhava Sutta
- Vasala Sutta
- Metta Sutta
- Hemavata Sutta
- Āḷavaka Sutta
- Vijaya Sutta
- Muṇi Sutta
2. Cūḷa Vaggo
- Ratana Sutta
- Āmagandha Sutta
- Hiri Sutta
- Maṅgala Sutta
- Sūciloma Sutta
- Dhammacariya Sutta
- Brāhmaṇadhammika Sutta
- Nāvā Sutta
- Kiṃsīla Sutta
- Uṭṭhāna Sutta
- Rāhula Sutta
- Nigrodha Kappa Sutta
- Sammāparibbājanīya Sutta
- Dhammika Sutta
3. Mahā Vaggo
- Pabbajjā Sutta
- Padhāna Sutta
- Subhāsita Sutta
- Sundarika-Bhāradvāja Sutta
- Māgha Sutta
- Sabhiya Sutta
- Sela Sutta
- Salla Sutta
- Vāseṭṭha Sutta
- Kokālika Sutta
- Nālaka Sutta
- Dvayatānupassanā Sutta
4. Aṭṭhaka Vaggo
- Kāma Sutta
- Guhaṭṭhaka Sutta
- Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Sutta
- Suddhaṭṭhaka Sutta
- Paramaṭṭhaka Sutta
- Jarā Sutta
- Tissametteyya Sutta
- Pasūra Sutta
- Māgaṇḍiya Sutta
- Purābheda Sutta
- Kalahavivāda Sutta
- Cūḷabyūha Sutta
- Mahābyūha Sutta
- Tuvaṭaka Sutta
- Attadaṇḍa Sutta
- Sāriputta Sutta
5. Pārāyana Vaggo
Vatthu Gāthā
- Ajita-māṇava Pucchā
- Tissametteyya-māṇava Pucchā
- Puṇṇaka-māṇava Pucchā
- Mettagū-māṇava Pucchā
- Dhotaka-māṇava Pucchā
- Upasīva-māṇava Pucchā
- Nanda-māṇava Pucchā
- Hemaka-māṇava Pucchā
- Todeyya-māṇava Pucchā
- Kappa-māṇava Pucchā
- Jatukaṇṇi-māṇava Pucchā
- Bhadrāvudha-māṇava Pucchā
- Udaya-māṇava Pucchā
- Posāla-māṇava Pucchā
- Mogharāja-māṇava Pucchā
- Piṅgiya-māṇava Pucchā
¹ These are followed by an epilogue in praise of “The Way to the Beyond” (Pārāyanatthutigāthā) and an account of Piṅgiya’s encounter with the Buddha when he returns to see Bāvarī, his teacher. (s.v. Piṅgiya)