Dhammika Vagga.– The fifth chapter of the Chakka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.iii.344 ff.
1. Dhammika Sutta.– Dhammika Thera is driven out by the lay disciples of seven settlements in succession, because he insulted and reviled visiting monks. He, thereupon, seeks the Buddha at Gijjhakūṭa and reports the matter to him. The Buddha relates to him a story of the past connected with the observance of Rukkha-
2. Dhammika Sutta.– The fourteenth sutta of the Cūḷa Vagga of the Suttanipāta. The lay disciple Dhammika, with five hundred others, visits the Buddha at Jetavana, singing his praises and asking what should be the life of a monk and what that of a householder. The Buddha proceeds to lay down the course of conduct to be followed by a monk and the virtues to be cultivated by a layman (SN.vv.376‑404).
The Commentary adds (SNA.i.367 f) that these lay disciples were all Non-