1. Anupama.– City where Vessabhū Buddha was born (BuA.205, 206). The Buddhavaṃsa (xxii.v.18), however, gives the name of the city as Anomā.
2. Anupama.– Pleasance in Anupama where Vessabhū Buddha was born and where, after Enlightenment, he performed the twin-
3. Anupama.– Son of Phussa Buddha (BuA.193, 194). The Buddhavaṃsa (xix.16) gives his name as Ānanda.
4. Anupama.– Son of Siddhattha Buddha. Bu.xvii.15.
5. Anupama.– City in Anomārāma, where Atthadassī Buddha died. BuA.181.
6. Anupama.– A brahmin village in the time of Anomadassī Buddha. BuA.142.
7. Anupama.– An Ājīvaka who gave grass to Sumana Buddha for his seat (BuA.125).
8. Anupama.– Son of Sumana Buddha. Bu.v.23.
9. Anupama.– A banker, father of Anupamā (1). BuA.122.
10. Anupama.– A banker, father of Anupamā (2). BuA.125.