A grove in the Bhagga country. It contained a Deer Park wherein the Buddha stayed, on Suṃsumāragiri. Nearby was the house in which lived Nakulapitā and Nakulamātā.¹ Once, when the Buddha was at Bhesakalāvana, he saw, with his divine-
It was while staying in this grove that Mahā-
Siṅgālapitā is said to have retired to Bhesakalāvana for his meditations.⁶
The grove received its name from the fact that its presiding spirit was a yakkhiṇī called Bhesākalā.⁶⁶
According to the Buddhavaṃsa Commentary,⁷ the Buddha spent the eighth Rainy Seasons (vassa) at Bhesakalāvana. The Divyāvadāna calls it Bhīsanikāvana.⁸
¹ A.ii.61; iii.295; S.iii.1; iv.116. ² A.iv.228 ff; J.iii.157.
³ Vin.ii.127; DhA.iii.134, etc. ⁴ M.i.332. ⁵ ThagA.i.70.
⁶ SA.ii.181. ⁷ BuA.3. ⁸ Dvy.182.