1. Dhammarakkhita.– A Greek (yonaka) Thera sent by the Third Council to Aparantaka. There he taught the Aggikkhandhopama Sutta and converted thirty-
2. Dhammarakkhita.– See Mahā-
3. Dhammarakkhita.– A thera in Sri Lanka in the time of Kittisirirājasīha. (1767-
4. Dhammarakkhita.– A Thera at whose request Ācariya Dhammapāla wrote the Commentary on the Nettippakaraṇa. Gv.69.
5. Dhammarakkhita.– Mentioned as a high-
6. Dhammarakkhita.– A monk of Asokārāma in Pāṭāliputta, under whom Nāgasena studied the Tipiṭaka. Mil.16, 18.