1. Gilāna Vagga.– The thirteenth chapter of the Pañcaka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.iii.142‑7).
2. Gilāna Vagga.– The eighth chapter of the Saḷāyatana Saṃyutta. S.iv.46‑53.
3. Gilāna Vagga.– The second chapter of the Bojjhaṅga Saṃyutta. S.v.78.83.
1. Paṭhama Gilāna Sutta.– Invited by a certain monk, the Buddha visits a newly ordained monk who is gravely ill. The Buddha asks him if he has any regrets about his morality, and he says that he has none, but that he regrets not being free from lust. The Buddha teaches the monk about the impermanence of the six senses, and pondering the Buddha’s words, the monks gains the spotless eye of the Dhamma that whatever arises passes away (Stream-
2. Dutiya Gilāna Sutta.– The same as the above, except that the topic is final emancipation without grasping (anupādā parinibbāna), S.iv.47.
3. Paṭhama Gilāna Sutta.– The Buddha visits Mahā-
4. Dutiya Gilāna Sutta.– Describes a similar visit to Mahā-
5. Gilāna Sutta.– The Buddha lies ill in the Kalandakanivāpa in Veḷuvana; Mahā-
6. Gilāna Sutta.– Once, shortly before his death, the Buddha spent the rainy season in Beḷuva, where he became seriously ill. By great effort of will he overcame the sickness. Ānanda expresses his admiration for the Buddha’s strength of mind, but adds his conviction that the Buddha would not die without having made some pronouncement concerning the Order. Then follows the Buddha’s famous injunction to his followers that they should take no other guide or refuge but the Dhamma and their own selves. S.v.152 f; the sutta is found almost verbatim in D.ii.98 f.
7. Gilāna Sutta.– As he is about to leave the Nigrodhārāma in Kapilavatthu to start on a tour, the Buddha is visited by Mahānāma the Sakyan, who asks him how a sick lay-
8. Gilāna Sutta.– There are three types of sick men — those who will not, in any case, recover; those who recover whether looked after or not; those who recover only if properly looked after. Even so, there are three kinds of men — those who will never, whether they hear the Dhamma or not, enter into an assurance of perfection, etc. A.i.120 f.
9. Gilāna Sutta.– The Buddha visits the sick ward in the Kūṭāgārasāla in Vesāli and talks to a sick monk, telling him that by practising five things during illness one can be sure of the speedy destruction of the corruptions (āsava), these things being recollection of repulsiveness (asubhānupassanā), perception of revulsion in food (āhārepatikūlasaññā), perception of disenchantment in the world (sabba-