Āṭānāṭiya Suttaṃ
Appasannehi nāthassa, Parisānaṃ catassannaṃ, |
In order that the hostile non-human beings, who are always evil-doers and who do not have faith in this well-esteemed religion of the Blessed One, May not injure the four social classes, and may protect society from dangers. The Almighty Hero has expounded this discourse of protection. Let us recite this Āṭānāṭiya Sutta now. |
1. Vipassissa ca namatthu, |
Homage to Vipassī Buddha, possessed of the eyes of enlightenment and of glory. And homage to Sikhi Buddha, the most compassionate towards all beings. |
2. Vessabhussa ca namatthu, |
Homage also to Vessabhū Buddha, washed clean from all defilements and endowed with ascetic spirit. Homage to Kakusandha Buddha too, the conqueror of the army of Death (Māra). |
3. Koṇāgamanassa namatthu, |
Homage to Koṇāgamana Buddha, who had abandoned all evils, and lived the holy life. Homage also to Kassapa Buddha, who had been emancipated from all defilements. |
4. Aṅgīrasassa namatthu, |
Homage to Gotama Buddha, whose body shone with radiating halo, the son of Sakyan and with splendorous glory, who expounded this doctrine which eradicates all sufferings. |
5. Ye cāpi nibbutā loke, |
Whosoever have extinguished the flames of passion in this world, they have seen thoroughly the natural phenomena as they really are. These persons never slander, but they are noble, and free from fear. |
6. Hitaṃ devamanussānaṃ, |
They worship Gotama Buddha, the benefactor of gods and men, endowed with knowledge and good conduct, noble and fearless. |
7. Ete caññe ca sambuddhā, |
These seven and the other thousand million self-enlightened Buddhas are all equally peerless ones. All Buddhas are powerful ones. |
8. Sabbe dasabalūpetā, |
All are endowed with ten powers, they are equipped with courage. All these Buddhas admitted to be the knowers of the supreme state of Enlightenment. |
9. Sīhanādaṃ nadante te, |
These Buddhas expounded bravely to the audience like the roaring lion, they propagated the Noble Wheel of the Law in the world which cannot be done by ordinary worldlings. |
10. Upetā buddha dhammehi, |
These patrons are equipped with eighteen virtues of the Buddha’s Dhamma; they are born with thirty-two major characteristics and eighty minor characteristics of the great man. |
11. Byāmappabhāya suppabhā, |
All these Buddhas are noble sages who shine with the surrounding halo of about the length of one stretched arm. These Buddhas are all Omniscient Ones, conquerors of Death (Māra) who have uprooted the defilements. |
12.Mahāpabhā mahātejā, |
They are all endowed with immense radiating light, of almighty power, of infinite wisdom, and of immutable strength. They are most compassionate and industrious benefactors of all beings. |
13. Dīpā nāthā patiṭṭhā ca, |
They all are the Lights, the Lords, the footholds, the Protectors, the Secure Haven of all creatures, the Transcendental Goals, the Relatives, the Glorious Saviours, the Refuges and Well-wishers. |
14. Sadevakassa lokassa, |
They all are revered by the world of gods and men. I worship the feet of these Supreme Ones with my head. |
15. Vacasā manasā ceva, |
I worship these Tathāgatas by means of word and thought always, even when I am lying, sitting, standing or walking. |
16. Sadā sukhena rakkhantu, |
The Buddhas, the peace-makers may always protect you to be happy. By these Buddhas, may you be protected so that you may be liberated from all calamities. |
17. Sabbarogā vinīmutto, |
May you be emancipated from all diseases. May you be free from all scorching worries. May you overcome all enemies. And may you be blissful. |
18. Tesaṃ saccena sīlena, |
By the power of their truth, virtue, patience, loving-kindness and might, may they protect us to be healthy and happy. |
“Yato uggacchati sūriyo,² ādicco maṇḍalī mahā.³ “Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; “Ito ‘sā purimā disā,’ iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; “Gandhabbānaṃ adhipati,⁵ ‘dhataraṭṭho’ti nāmaso; “Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; “Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; “Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama. “‘Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; |
19. Puratthimasmiṃ disābhāge, |
In the eastern region there are powerful great deities. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. |
“Yena petā pavuccanti, pisuṇā piṭṭhimaṃsikā; “Ito ‘sā dakkhiṇā disā,’ iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; “Kumbhaṇḍānaṃ adhipati, ‘virūḷho’ iti nāmaso; “Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; “Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; “Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama. “’Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; |
20. Dakkhiṇasmiṃ disābhāge, |
In the southern region there are great powerful gods. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. |
“Yattha coggacchati sūriyo, ādicco maṇḍalī mahā. “Rahadopi tattha gambhīro, samuddo saritodako; “Ito ‘sā pacchimā disā,’ iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; “Nāgānañca adhipati, ‘virūpakkho’ti nāmaso; “Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; “Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; “Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama. “’Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ; |
21. Pacchimasmiṃ disābhāge, |
In the western region there are great powerful dragon snakes. May they protect us to be healthy and happy. |
“Yena uttarakuruvho,⁸ mahāneru sudassano. “Na te bījaṃ pavapanti, napi nīyanti naṅgalā. “Akaṇaṃ athusaṃ suddhaṃ, sugandhaṃ taṇḍulapphalaṃ. “Gāviṃ ekakhuraṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Itthiṃ vā vāhanaṃ¹⁰ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ. “Kumāriṃ vāhanaṃ katvā, anuyanti disodisaṃ; “Te yāne abhiruhitvā, “Hatthiyānaṃ assayānaṃ, dibbaṃ yānaṃ upaṭṭhitaṃ; “Tassa ca nagarā ahu, antalikkhe sumāpitā. “Uttarena kasivanto,¹³ janoghamaparena¹⁴ ca. “Kuverassa kho pana, mārisa, mahārājassa visāṇā nāma rājadhānī; “Paccesanto pakāsenti, tatolā tattalā tatotalā; “Rahadopi tattha dharaṇī nāma, yato meghā pavassanti; vassā yato patāyanti, “Yattha yakkhā payirupāsanti, tattha niccaphalā rukkhā; “Jīvañjīvakasaddettha, atho oṭṭhavacittakā; “Sukasāḷikasaddettha, daṇḍamāṇavakāni ca; “Ito ‘sā uttarā disā,’ iti naṃ ācikkhatī jano; “Yakkhānañca adhipati, ‘kuvero’ iti nāmaso; “Puttāpi tassa bahavo, ekanāmāti me sutaṃ; “Te cāpi buddhaṃ disvāna, buddhaṃ ādiccabandhunaṃ; “Namo te purisājañña, namo te purisuttama; “’Jinaṃ vandatha gotamaṃ, jinaṃ vandāma gotamaṃ. |
22. Uttarasmiṃ disābhāge, |
In the northern region there are great powerful ogres. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. |
23. Puratthimena dhataraṭṭho, |
King Dhatarattha in the east, King Viruthaka in the south, King Virupakkha in the west, King Kuvera in the north, |
24. Cattāro te mahārājā, |
These four kings are famous guardian spirits of the world. May they protect us to be healthy and happy. |
25. Ākāsaṭṭhā ca bhūmaṭṭhā, |
There are great powerful gods and dragons, residing in the sky and on the earth. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. |
26. Iddhimanto ca ye devā, |
There are some powerful deities residing within the jurisdiction of this religion. May they also protect us to be healthy and happy. |
27. Sabbītiyo vivajjantu, |
May all the dangers be eradicated. May worry and illness be dispelled. May calamities not occur to you. May you be blissful and long-lived. |
28. Abhivādanasīlissa, |
To those who are endowed with the nature of piety, and who always revere the elders, these four boons shall prosper; namely, longevity, beauty, happiness and strength. |
Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ ārocaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ maṅgalaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṃ Niṭṭhitaṃ |
Notes1. Jinā = conquerors, janā = persons. The text definitely reads “jinā” but what the Sayādaw recites could also be correct. 2. suriyo (sī, syā, pī) 3. This paragraph, and all subsequent paragraphs that are not numbered are found in the Ātānātiya Sutta of the Dīghanikāya, but not in the Paritta Pāḷi. Since the Sayādaw recites them, they are included here. 4. The Sayādaw omits this line. 5. ādhipati (sī, syā, pī: evamuparipi). 6. Tumhe = you, amhe (in Paritta Pāli) = us. 7. luddhā (pī, ka) 8. uttarakurū rammā (sī, syā, pī) 9. The Sayādaw recites “appamā.” 10. itthī-vāhanaṃ (sī, pī), itthīṃ vāhanaṃ (syā) 11. anupariyanti (syā). 12. nāṭapuriyā (sī pī), nāṭapariyā (syā). 13. kapivanto (sī, syā, pī). 14. The Sayādaw recites “janoghappaparena.” 15. bhagalavatī (sī, syā, pī). 16. kukutthakā (sī, pī). | |
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