Pubbaṇha Suttaṃ  The Auspicious Morning Discourse 
1. Yaṃ dunnimittaṃ avamaṅgalañca, yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Pāpaggaho dussupinaṃ akantaṃ, Buddhānubhāvena vināsamentu. |
By the power of the Buddha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective.
2. Yaṃ dunnimittaṃ avamaṅgalañca, yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Pāpaggaho dussupinaṃ akantaṃ, Dhammānubhāvena vināsamentu.
By the power of the Dhamma may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective.
3. Yaṃ dunnimittaṃ avamaṅgalañca, yo cāmanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Pāpaggaho dussupinaṃ akantaṃ, Saṅghānubhāvena vināsamentu.
By the power of the Saṅgha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunctions of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered ineffective.
4. Yaṃ sannimittaṃ sumaṅgalañca, yo vamanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Sopaggaho sansupinaṃ sukantaṃ, Buddhānubhāvena vipakamentu.
5. Yaṃ sannimittaṃ sumaṅgalañca, yo vamanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Sopaggaho sansupinaṃ sukantaṃ, Dhammānubhāvena vipakamentu.
6. Yaṃ sannimittaṃ sumaṅgalañca, yo vamanāpo sakuṇassa saddo Sopaggaho sansupinaṃ sukantaṃ, Saṅghānubhāvena vipakamentu.
7. Dukkhappattā ca niddukkhā, bhayappattā ca nibbhayā Sokappattā ca nissokā, hontu sabbepi pāṇino.
May all beings who suffer be free from suffering. May all beings who are in fear be free from fear. May all beings who are grieving be free from grief.
8. Ettāvatā ca amhehi sambhataṃ puññasampadaṃ Sabbe devānumodantu sabbasampattisiddhiyā.
May beings, celestial and terrestrial, Devas and Nāgas of mighty power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect the dispensation. May all beings share this merit which we have thus acquired. May it redound to their happiness.
9. Dānaṃ dadantu saddhāya sīlaṃ rakkhantu sabbadā Bhāvanābhiratā hontu gacchantu devatāgatā.
Give charity with confidence, always observe morality, take delight in meditation, please come, O heavenly beings.
10. Sabbe Buddhā balappattā paccekānañca yaṃ balaṃ Arahantānañca tejena rakkhaṃ bandhāmi sabbaso.
By the (protective) power of all the Buddhas, Pacceka Buddhas and Arahants I secure your protection in every way.
11. Yaṃ kiñci vittaṃ idha vā huraṃ vā, Saggesu vā yaṃ ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ Na no samaṃ atthi Tathāgatena, Idampi Buddhe ratanaṃ paṇitaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathāgata. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!
12. Yaṃ kiñci vittaṃ idha vā huraṃ vā, Saggesu vā yaṃ ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ Na no samaṃ atthi Tathāgatena, Idampi Dhamme ratanaṃ paṇitaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathāgata. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace!
13. Yaṃ kiñci vittaṃ idha vā huraṃ vā, Saggesu vā yaṃ ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ Na no samaṃ atthi Tathāgatena, Idampi Saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇitaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathāgata. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
14. Bhavatu sabba maṅgalaṃ rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabbabuddhānubhāvena sadā sukhī bhavantu te.
May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you! By the glorious power of all Buddhas, May you always be happy!
15. Bhavatu sabba maṅgalaṃ rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabbadhammānubhāvena sadā sukhī bhavantu te.
May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you! By the glorious power of all Dhammas, May you always be happy!
16. Bhavatu sabba maṅgalaṃ rakkhantu sabbadevatā, Sabbasaṅghānubhāvena sadā sukhī bhavantu te.
May all blessing be with you! May all the deities protect you! By the glorious power of all Saṅghas, May you always be happy!
17. Mahākāruṇiko nātho hitāya sabbapāṇinaṃ Puretvā pāramī sabbā, patto sambodhimuttamaṃ Etena saccavajjena, sotthi te hotu sabbadā.
The most compassionate Buddha fulfilled the perfections for the welfare of all beings, and attained Supreme Enlightenment. By these true words, may you always be prosperous.
18. Jayanto bodhiyā mūle, Sakyānaṃ nandivaḍḍhano Evameva jayo hotu, jayassu jayamaṅgale.
Just as the most beloved of the Sakyas was victorious at the foot of the Bodhi tree, so may you be successful and blessed in all auspicious undertakings.
19. Aparājitapallaṅke, sīse puthuvipukkhale Abhiseke sabbabuddhānaṃ, aggappatto pamodati.
On the Victor’s Seat, at the summit of the most sacred earth, consecrated by all the Buddhas, the Buddha won the supreme attainment and rejoiced.
20. Sunakkhataṃ sumaṅgalaṃ, suppabhātaṃ suhuṭṭhitaṃ Sukhaṇo sumuhutto ca, suyiṭṭhaṃ brahmacārisu.
May the planets, portents, the dawn, awakening, opportunity, instance, and offerings to the Noble Sages, be auspicious for you.
21. Padakkhiṇaṃ kāyakammaṃ, vācākammaṃ padakkhiṇaṃ padakkhiṇaṃ manokammaṃ, paṇīdhi te padakkhiṇe padakkhiṇāni katvāna, labbhante te padakkhiṇe.
May the physical act be sacred, the verbal act be sacred, and the mental act be sacred. May you be established in these sacred things.
Having performed the sacred acts, may you obtain the sacred benefits.
22. Te attha laddhā sukhitā, virūḷhā Buddhasāsane Arogā sukhittā hontu, saha sabbehi ñātibhi
Having obtained the sacred benefits, may you be happy and prosper in the teachings of the Buddha. May you, and all your relatives be happy and free from all ailments.
Pubbaṇhasuttaṃ ārocaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Pubbaṇhasuttaṃ maṅgalaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Pubbaṇhasuttaṃ Niṭṭhitaṃ
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