Pūrentaṃ bodhi sambhāre, Cirassaṃ vāyamantāpi, |
The Great Being was born as a peacock, fulfilling the necessary requirements for obtaining Enlightenment, and having arranged protection for himself by means of this protective discourse. Although the hunters tried for a long time, they were not able to capture him. This was prescribed by the Buddha as an excellent mantra. Let us recite this protective discourse. |
1. Udetayaṃ cakkhumā ekarājā, |
There rises the golden one, the one who has sight, the sole monarch, who illuminates the earth. I adore you, golden one who illuminates the earth. Protected by you we live today safe and secure. |
2. Ye brāmhaṇā vedagū sabbadhamme, |
Honour to those Bramhanas who comprehend all Dhammas. May they protect me. Honour to the Buddhas, to their enlightenment. Honour to those released from bondage and to their deliverance. Having made this protection, the peacock goes about seeking food. |
3. Apetayaṃ cakkumā ekarājā, |
There descends the golden one, the one who has sight, the sole monarch, who illuminates the earth. I adore you, golden one who illuminates the earth. Protected by you we live tonight safe and secure. |
4. Ye brāmhaṇā vedagū sabbadhamme, |
Honour to those Bramhanas who comprehend all Dhammas. May they protect me. Honour to the Buddhas, to their enlightenment. Honour to those supremely secured from bondage and to their deliverance. Having made this protection the peacock dwells happily. |
Moraparittaṃ ārocaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu Moraparittaṃ maṅgalaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu Moraparittaṃ Niṭṭhitaṃ |
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