Vaṭṭa Parittaṃ  The Quail’s Protection 
Pūrentaṃ bodhi sambhāre, nibbattaṃ vaṭṭajātiyaṃ, Yassa tejena dāvaggi, mahāsattaṃ vivajjayi.
Therassa Sāriputtassa, lokanāthena bhāsitaṃ, Kappaṭṭhāyiṃ mahātejaṃ, parittaṃ taṃ bhaṇāma he. |
By the power of this discourse, the forest-fire passed over the Great Being (the Bodhisatta) who was born as a quail, fulfilling the necessary requisites for enlightenment.
Let us recite this discourse, which was expounded by the saviour of the world (the Buddha) to the Elder Sāriputta, and which will be efficacious for aeons, being endowed with mighty powers.
1. Atthi loke sīlaguṇo, saccaṃ soceyya ’nuddayā Tena saccena kāhāmi, saccakiriyamuttamaṃ.
There is the quality of virtue in the world, there’s truth, compassion, purity of life. By this truth, I’ll make a matchless asseveration of Truth.
2. Āvajjetvā dhammabalaṃ, saritvā pubbake jine Saccabalamavassāya, saccakiriyamakāsa ’haṃ.
Reflecting on the Dhamma’s might, and recalling those who triumphed before, depending on the might of truth, an asseveration of Truth I wrought.
3. Santi pakkhā apatanā, santi pādā avañcanā Mātā pitā ca nikkhantā, jātaveda paṭikkama.
With wings that fly not, feet that walk not yet, Forsaken by my parents, here I lie! Wherefore I conjure thee, dread Venerable sir of Fire, Primaeval Jataveda, turn! go back!
4. Saha sacce kate mayhaṃ, mahāpajjalito sikhī Vajjesi soḷasa karīsāni, udakaṃ patvā yatā sikhī. Saccena me samo natthi, esā me saccapāramī.
I wrought my Act of Truth, and therewithal The sheet of blazing fire left sixteen lengths Unscathed — like flames by water met and quenched.
Vaṭṭaparittaṃ ārocaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Vaṭṭaparittaṃ maṅgalaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Vaṭṭaparittaṃ Niṭṭhitaṃ
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